Thursday, October 9, 2014

Less Stress. Enough Said! Positive Thinking Thursday 10-9-14

It's Thursday! 
One of my most favorite days,
because I get to take part in

I've been a little absent this last week
so I thought this was the perfect way to
get back into it!


My quote today is more personal...
well I guess it does go professionally too. (I really pride myself this week on keeping my mouth shut about a few things and realizing that I can't control it all, so I need to let it go!!!)

However, I think this is something that we can all take some time to think about. 
I need to be better at this.
A lot better!

Here's to a stress free end to the week and weekend! 
Go out there and enjoy, and don't worry about 
those small things that you can't control or change. 
Those are the things that make life so unique. 

I'm linking up with Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin's Laughings today
You should too!
Stop by her blog to read some positive thoughts,
and share some yourself! 
It's a great way to start the day!

Happy almost Friday!!!


  1. Pinned and ready to share with my team in my weekly update next week! Something to remember in and out of the classroom! Thanks for sharing!
    Growing Little Learners

  2. I love your quote. I think I'll do the same.



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