Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Postcard Exchange

Hey there, and happy Wednesday! I'm here for a quick post today to just share something that I'm really excited about for the upcoming school year.  After reading a blog post from Pinkadots Elementary I decided to look into doing a postcard exchange with my students.  Boy am I glad that I did because I have really been trying to come up with an interactive way to include teaching regions to my 3rd graders.  We try to squeeze as much in as we can during the year on regions, especially for our end of the year pioneer unit, but it doesn't always happen as much as we like.  Often times we cram a whole lot into the pioneer unit to explain to students about the different parts of the U.S as they are 'traveling' from place to place during our simulation. When reading and thinking about this postcard exchange I thought, what a great way to take time out randomly when mail arrives to discuss different areas of the country that we live in??


So, I haven't worked out all of the details yet, and I'm not exactly sure how I want to display them yet, but I'm doing it! I'm so excited to be signed up for a postcard exchange this next year, and even more excited for the learning that will come because of it.  If you're interested, here is the link that I am signed up through. There are still some spots available.  If your state is taken, pass along the information to someone you know who teaches somewhere else.  The more states that get taken the better!


I'm so excited for how this is going to go this year, and we will be sure to document our journey along the way.  If you have any advice or suggestions I would love to hear them! :)

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! I did a postcard exchange last year and we were fortunate enough to receive some from Australia and Thailand!! :)

    Coffee and Lesson Plans


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